Why You Need to Take That First Step, Ready or Not
So, if you’re stuck on the edge of a project, career leap, or life transition, I’m here to say: take that first step—ready or not. Let’s break down what’s actually keeping you still and how you can begin to move.
First let’s talk about Self-Doubt and the Art of “Active Procrastination”. We all know that little voice telling us we’re not ready enough, qualified enough or just making us feel not confident enough. It pops up with a list of “should-do’s” to keep us nice and still: that one more course or book, maybe hitting the gym to “boost confidence,” or other self-improvement projects. Before you know it, you’re using these “to-do’s” to put off doing what you really want to do. It’s classic active-procrastination—the art of staying busy instead of moving forward.
Here’s the truth: you’ll never be perfectly ready. Waiting to feel like an expert before you begin is just a way of holding yourself back. True progress is messy and uncertain, and sometimes the only way to start is to give yourself permission to not have all the answers.
Next problem here: Why Your Brain Isn’t Helping You Get Moving? Our brains are wired for survival, not for bold leaps into the unknown. In evolutionary terms, the brain’s job is to keep you safe, maintain your energy, and keep you secure within the “tribe.” Anything that looks hard, unfamiliar or risky? Your brain will shut that down fast to keep you “comfortable.” But let’s face it: that comfort zone isn’t actually comfortable sometimes. It’s just what we’re used to.
When it comes to moving toward new goals, our instincts can be more of an obstacle than a help. You want to live, not just survive, right? So let’s challenge that survival-mode mindset. Yes, there might be some unknowns, but that’s where growth happens. Sometimes, you just need to push past the brain’s safety alarms and do it anyway.
The first step always feels the hardest, but once you’re in motion, guess what? You tend to stay in motion—another part of that Law of Inertia: an object in motion remains in motion unless acted on. That’s the beauty of inertia; it works in your favor as soon as you get going. And sure, it might be shaky at first, but once you’re in motion, the path starts to unfold in ways you can’t predict from the starting line.
Let me also share a couple of my mantras:
“Learn the Basic Rules and Master It by Playing”. I started telling this to myself, and it has become one of my favorite mantras recently. When I was knee-deep in the hesitation zone, this mantra kept me grounded. You don’t have to have it all figured out to begin. You don’t need to wait for the perfect moment or the perfect product. You just need a starting point. Commit to that first day or first step, get yourself in motion, and let experience be your teacher.
“If you’re scared, do it scared”. This is another mantra I hold close. Fear it’s the body’s way of keeping us aware and alert in new situations. But there’s a difference between fear that protects us (like crossing a dark and unsafe alley) and fear that holds us back (like following a dream). Don’t confuse the two. If something’s calling to you deeply, it’s okay to feel afraid. Just bring that fear with you, and let it push you toward your goals.
As a final thought, think of how babies learn to walk: they don’t wait until they’re steady or skilled. They stumble, they hold onto things, they fall and then try again: with every step, they learn. You don’t need a perfect plan, nor do you need to avoid mistakes. Mistakes are part of the journey.
So, let me ask you: Are you caught in the “active-procrastination” trap? Are you waiting to feel perfectly prepared? Take a moment to reflect on what’s keeping you still and what small step you can take today. The truth is, you only need that first move to start the momentum that will carry you forward.
Are you ready to get moving? Feel free to share your views on this, and follow me to learn more about how to take that first step, how to avoid and/or overcome obstacles, and more! You’ll find me on Instagram as @martafores_coach and on Facebook as Marta Forés. And remember that you can subscribe below to be in the loop for new posts! See you soon.